
Kinja'd!!! "Rainbow" (rainbeaux)
09/28/2016 at 07:07 • Filed to: None

Kinja'd!!!6 Kinja'd!!! 24

I know it’s not right to laugh at the pain of others, but.... This caught me off-guard.


Kinja'd!!! random001 > Rainbow
09/28/2016 at 07:40


Holy crap, I believe that will not feel good.

But what a bunch of a-hole bikers. Very bad road manners, people.

Kinja'd!!! kanadanmajava1 > Rainbow
09/28/2016 at 07:48


If the guy would have ended up in the other side of the barrier the decapitation by the post would have been quite possible.

Kinja'd!!! Leon711 > Rainbow
09/28/2016 at 07:54


Riding in a huge group, with no discernable lane control, no safety gear.

No Sympathy.

Huge rides like this are squid central.

Kinja'd!!! random001 > Leon711
09/28/2016 at 08:05



Kinja'd!!! random001 > kanadanmajava1
09/28/2016 at 08:05



Kinja'd!!! Flavien Vidal > Rainbow
09/28/2016 at 08:14


Haha that’s a good one... That will teach him talking on his phone while riding :)

Kinja'd!!! bob and john > Rainbow
09/28/2016 at 08:15


huge group of lane sharing, non-gear wearing, crashed bike riding idiots?

nah, laugh. Thought admittedly, I didn’t see it coming and my first reaction was simply: wait, what just happened?

Kinja'd!!! OPPOsaurus WRX > Rainbow
09/28/2016 at 08:23


i bet that really hurt. Darwin was so close.

Kinja'd!!! Dave the car guy , still here > Rainbow
09/28/2016 at 08:23


Probably drives his car like an ass too.

Kinja'd!!! StndIbnz, Drives a MSRT8 > Rainbow
09/28/2016 at 08:28


Is it bad that I laughed?

That looked painful though, how did he not see that?

Kinja'd!!! McMike > Rainbow
09/28/2016 at 08:33


View #2.

Doofus took out two other bikes.

Well... the other two bikes were also doofuses for being on the shoulder.

This is the annual ROC (ride of the century)* in St. Louis. It’s amazingly stupid, dangerous, and watching them fail somehow soothes me.

Perfect score 5/5


*Yes, I know “Annual” and “Ride of the Century” is conflicting. One of these days, they’ll get it.

Kinja'd!!! TheBloody, Oppositelock lives on in our shitposts. > McMike
09/28/2016 at 08:39


Idk, he didn’t stick the landing so 4/5 for me.

Kinja'd!!! Biggus Dickus (RevsBro) > bob and john
09/28/2016 at 09:20


My buddy sent me this last week and it just confirmed why I avoid riding in groups larger than 5 people.

Kinja'd!!! scoob > Rainbow
09/28/2016 at 09:25


Was not expecting that.

Kinja'd!!! TheRealBicycleBuck > kanadanmajava1
09/28/2016 at 09:32


Decapitation story!

As a kid, my mom bought some land and we moved to the middle of nowhere. Access to the nearest town was over an old rickety truss-style bridge. It wasn’t long after school started that I heard the stories - the bridge was haunted.


The bridge was notorious for being very narrow and it was more than a little hair-raising to cross, especially at night. The ghost was supposed to appear at the bridge, either warning you not to cross or looking for his head. Looking for his head, you ask? Yes, looking for his head.

One dark and rainy night (aren’t they all) a car lost control before the bridge and hit a sign before going off the embankment and landing in the river. The sign was bent toward the road and rotated 90 degrees, making it difficult to see. A short time later, a motorcyclist came along and discovered that the sign make the perfect guillotine. They say his head went rolling down the embankment and the bike with his body kept going. Some say the bike hit the bridge, some say the conditions were perfect and they rolled all the way across the bridge to crash on the other side.

It was a great story which gave me the willies every time I crossed that bridge at night.

Meeting new people at college was always fun since nobody knew the small town where I was from. It was always a good ice-breaker trying to explain how to find the town when all of the nearby references were far, far away. Then I met a guy who knew exactly where I was from. His uncle is the ghost.

He told me that the basics of the story were right. Rainy night, crashed car, bent sign, decapitation, all true. Whether or not his uncle haunted the bridge in search of his head is unknown. I never saw him, so I can’t say. When I was in high school, they built a new bridge and tore down the old one, so I don’t know if the story is still being told. Halloween is coming soon. It may be time for another visit home...

Kinja'd!!! The Ghost of Oppo > Rainbow
09/28/2016 at 09:36



Kinja'd!!! bob and john > Biggus Dickus (RevsBro)
09/28/2016 at 09:51


I’ll ride with more then 5...but only if I know them. I’m not joining some rando ‘bike meet’ from instagram

Kinja'd!!! jimz > Rainbow
09/28/2016 at 10:05


oh, 19-year-old sportbike assholes take themselves out?


Kinja'd!!! yitznewton > OPPOsaurus WRX
09/28/2016 at 10:11



Kinja'd!!! McMike > TheBloody, Oppositelock lives on in our shitposts.
09/28/2016 at 10:16


I can’t give his performance more than a 3. He wasnt’ stunting, just stupid and not wearing the right gear.

My 5/5 was for the idea of the ROC.

Kinja'd!!! Biggus Dickus (RevsBro) > bob and john
09/28/2016 at 10:32


Exactly. I usually try to ride with someone individually first so I know how they ride and their skill level etc . . . Helps me determine how hard I can push in corners and all that.

Kinja'd!!! loki03xlh > McMike
09/28/2016 at 10:45


I fucking hate ROC. I live close to STL and these fucknuggets are nothing but a bunch of goddamn douchecanoes. I few years ago, I was downtown getting gas when a posse of squids engulfed the gas station. Stupid motherfuckers surrounded my truck so I couldn’t leave. The weren’t smart enough to figure out that they couldn’t get gas unless they opened a path for me to leave.

I park the bike the weekend of ROC. Fucking pack mentality. Everyone thinks they can be a moron because the cops can’t catch them all. The only good thing about ROC, is a few more sick folks get their organ transplants sooner.


Kinja'd!!! davesaddiction @ > Rainbow
09/28/2016 at 11:13


He landed on-guard(rail).

Kinja'd!!! Nauraushaun > Rainbow
09/29/2016 at 01:38


I think the funniest part is that he wasn’t wearing gear. Have to assume he’s one of those guys who thinks wearing protective gear is assuming you’re going to crash and thinks he’s safer without it, or .

Nice way for him to learn that shit happens, and sometimes it’s all your own fault.